“Through a deepening of social life a new understanding of the human being must be found that will permeate human and social development for Evolution” Rudolf Steiner   Fundació Sa Llavor offers a DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMME : "EURYTHMY IN SOCIAL AND WORKING LIFE"   A post-graduate training for eurythmists and a development program for whoever is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skill in 3 modules throughout 2023-24: December 2023, April and July 2024, with Teresa Mazzei as Social Eurythmy guide.   In cooperation with the Goetheanum, Section for the Performing Arts, Dornach, Switzerland.   Recognized by the Institute for Eurythmy in Working Life, Den Haag, The Netherlands.   Official Public Certification by The Ministry of Education of the Balearic Islands.   A Postgraduate Programme that nurtures and develops the knowledge, sensibility and capacity necessary to work through Eurythmy in social and working context for individual and social organism development. "A COMMON AIM AND TWO PURPOSES THROUGH A SHARED PATH"   EURYTMIST: Postgraduate Programme for qualified eurytmists to work through Eurythmy in social and working contexts and Eurythmy students in their last year of training. EVERYONE: Official Training Programme for enterpreneurs, managers, employees, teachers, artists, or any person who is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skills and learning about social organisms with a living approach. A COMMON AIM     Developing knowledge and skills for sensing the social organisms we are involved in, in order to consciously act on it, each one with one’s own role and competences. By social organism we refer to all companies or associations, or other organised context such as teams, colleges, study groups, and so on, in which several people come together, within organisations of varied complexity, to achieve something that otherwise would not be possible to get off the ground. "INSPIRING A HEALTHY LIFE FOR THE SOCIAL ORGANISM"     GOALS Everyone: Develop and practise our own social consciousness and skills. Experience in practice the relationship between individual and social impulses. Look at the organisation we are involved for social or working reason, as a living organism: its elements, its phases, its living processes and so on. Deepen and enrich intellectual knowledge on individual/social/organisational changing and development theories throughout practical experience (becoming operating forces). Discover the bridges which connect individual with the social organism. Move from intellectual knowing to perceiving and to acting, consciously. Develop self-confidence and creative capacity. For eurythmists specifically: Experience eurythmic exercises suitable for social and working contexts. Deepen the application of fundamental elements of Eurythmy in the social and working fields Transform and create Eurythmy’s exercises for different contexts and different stages of the social organism. Explore the connection of working with Eurythmy with some theories and approaches for social/organisational development paths. Develop own process of conducting Eurythmy sessions in the social and working fields.         IDEAL BEHIND THE PROGRAMME Social organisms live and develop in constant movement.  They acquire the ability to learn and evolve thanks to the people that they interact with, and they

2024-04-23T10:49:55+00:00July 28th, 2023|


Illuminates artistic processes, generates links, weave community networks.     Approved by the Conselleria d'Educació de les Illes Balears as Permanent Teacher Training     Aimed at professionals in Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary Education, Educators, Artists, Researchers and anyone interested in Education as an instrument of personal and social growth and transformation. Fundació Sa Llavor, a non-profit entity that promotes education for ecological, artistic and social development. It belongs to the Census of collaborating entities of the Conselleria d'Educación, Cultura i Universitats de les Illes Balears and has been carrying out programs in Holistic Pedagogy approved as Permanent Teacher Training since 2012. The Sa Llavor School, which belongs to the Foundation, is the first independent and autonomous center of Holistic Pedagogy in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education approved by the Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Universitats de les Illes Balears.   "If you want to discover something totally new, you have to abandon the old"   SOCIAL ART AND COLLECTIVE CREATION Learning Community Development     School year: 2023/2024 Strategic line: Educational learning community Training area: Artistic Education Form of participation: Face-to-face Total hours: 50h In person hours: 50h Places: 20 Start date: October 27, 2023 End date: June 8, 2024 Place: Fundació Sa LLavor Adress: Metge Borrás, 3, 07350, Binissalem, Mallorca   Objectives: Promote the development of educational learning communities through art. Develop the social issue through collective actions. Promote social exchange and strengthen links in the educational community through artistic processes. Experience the various artistic languages ​​and their application in educational practice as instruments of individual and social development in the educational community. Activate the creative abilities, intuition, imagination and inspiration of the participants.   Contents: Interconnection of the personal, school and family system in the educational community. The invisible links. Art as a promoter of the social issue in the educational community. Educational learning communities. The creation of the network of interdependent organisms through artistic and collective processes. The different artistic disciplines as instruments to develop learning capacities and nurture social ties in the educational community: Construction, modeling, painting, music, movement, word art, school theater.   Program and Calendar:   Module 1 Artistic workshops: stories, creation with natural materials, wool and modeling wax. 27-28/October/2023 17-18/November/ 2023   Module 2 Artistic workshops: storytelling, modeling with clay, wood and stone carving, painting, music. 19-20/January /2024 16-17/February/2024   Module 3 Artistic workshops: Art of the Word and Eurythmy. 15-16/March/2024 19-20/April / 2024   Module 4 Artistic workshops: Social Art and Collective Creation. Social Art shapes real practical life. Change your gaze towards artistic creation to enhance your spiritual strength. Live the artistic process as a social issue at the service of humanity and sow the seeds for the evolution of the human being and the transformation of society.   17-18/May/2024   Module 5 Presentations and collective Artistic and Social Exhibition 7-8 /June /2024   Schedule: Friday: 17 -20:30 Saturday: 10-13:30   Training methodology: The contents of the course are developed in a participatory way with presentations, methodological and didactic practices

2023-10-17T12:45:38+00:00July 24th, 2023|


Educate your will, boost your initiative, create your life   Approved by the Conselleria d'Educació de les Illes Balears as Permanent Teacher Training   Aimed at professionals in Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary Education, Educators, Artists, Researchers and anyone interested in Education as an instrument of personal and social growth and transformation.   Fundació Sa Llavor, a non-profit entity that promotes education for ecological, artistic and social development. It belongs to the Census of collaborating entities of the Conselleria d’Educación, Cultura i Universitats de les Illes Balears and has been carrying out programs in Holistic Pedagogy approved as Permanent Teacher Training since 2012. The training program is endorsed by the Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkeley, California. The Sa Llavor School, which belongs to the Foundation, is the first independent and autonomous center of Holistic Pedagogy in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education approved by the Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Universitats de les Illes Balears.   "If you want to discover something totally new, you have to abandon the old"   POSTGRADUATE IN HOLISTIC PEDAGOGY Participatory, artistic and social methodology   Academic year: 2023-24 Strategic line: learning methodologies Form of participation: in person Total hours: 50h In person hours: 50h Places: 20 Start date: 27 October 2023 End date: June 8, 2024 Place: Fundació Sa LLavor Adress: Metge Borrás, 3, 07350, Binissalem, Mallorca   Objectives: Promote educational innovation through holistic pedagogy. Generate learning processes that facilitate learning to do, learning to be, learning to think and learning to live together. Experience the various artistic languages ​​and their application in educational practice as instruments for development and learning. Activate the creative abilities and the pedagogical intuition of the participants. Develop teamwork and learning communities.   Contents: The principles of holistic pedagogy applied to educational practice in nursery, primary and secondary education. The development needs and learning capacities in the different stages of development and growth. The interrelated, comprehensive and practical development of learning content. Interdisciplinary projects and teamwork. Artistic activities as a means to develop content in the learning process, creativity and personal initiative. The collective creation. The importance of the connection with nature to develop respect and care. The observation and description of natural phenomena as a basis for scientific knowledge through experience. collective research. The learning community and service to others as the end of education.   Program and calendar   Module 1 Education for life. Action and rhythm in Education Childhood is one of the most important times of our lives. What we experience in childhood forms the basis of our attitudes as adults toward the world and toward other people. Children must be surrounded by a warm and homely environment in which their most vital needs are enhanced: creation, initiative and imagination. October 27-28, 2023 November 17-18, 2023   CONTENT ● Principles of holistic pedagogy ● Learning at different educational stages ● The education of the will: learning to do ● The importance of movement, rhythm, action and interconnection with the environment   ACTIVITIES Presentations; methodological and didactic practices; artistic

2024-05-23T11:17:57+00:00July 24th, 2023|


DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMME  "EURYTHMY IN SOCIAL AND WORKING LIFE"   A post-graduate training for eurythmists and a development program for whoever is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skills.   Fundació Sa Llavor, Spain, with Teresa Mazzei, Italy, in cooperation with the Goetheanum, Section for the Performing Arts, Switzerland, recognized by The Institute for Eurythmy in Working Life, Netherlands and approved by the Conselleria d'Educació de les Illes Balears as Permanent Teacher Training.       FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIAL ORGANISMS   December 2023, April and July 2024   "To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being, to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world" Steiner   A COMMON AIM Developing knowledge and skills for sensing the social organisms we are involved in, in order to consciously act on it, each one with one’s own role and competences. By social organism we refer to all companies or associations, or other organised context such as teams, colleges, study groups, and so on, in which several people come together, within organisations of varied complexity, to achieve something that otherwise would not be possible to get off the ground.   TWO PURPOSES THROUGH A SHARED PATH   EVERYONE: Official Training Programme for enterpreneurs, managers, employees, teachers, artists, or any person who is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skills and learning about social organisms with a living approach. EURYTMISTS: Postgraduate Programme for qualified eurytmists to work through Eurythmy in social and working contexts and Eurythmy students in their last year of training.   The combination helps for: Non eurythmists: being part of a bigger capable group makes the movement experience easier and richer, empowering the learning and development processes. Eurythmists: can learn “Eurythmy in social and working life” on the field, directly sharing the processes with people active in different areas of expertise and interests.   Last but not least, there is also the joy which arises when we move meaningfully with other people, and when a learning and developing process is shared with others.   GOALS Everyone Develop and practice our own social consciousness and skills. Experience in practice the relationship between individual and social impulses. Look at the organisation, we are involved for social or working reason, as a living organism: its elements, its phases, its living processes and so on. Deepen and enrich intellectual knowledge on individual/social/organisational changing and development theories throughout practical experience (becoming operating forces). Discover the bridges which connect individual with the social organism. Move from intellectual knowing to perceiving and to acting, consciously. Develop self-confidence and creative capacity. For eurythmists specifically Experience eurythmic exercises suitable for social and working contexts. Deepen the application of fundamental elements of Eurythmy in the social and working fields Transform and create Eurythmy’s exercises for different contexts and different stages of the social organism. Explore the connection of working with Eurythmy with some theories and approaches for social/organisational development paths. Develop own process of conducting Eurythmy sessions in the social and working fields.

2023-11-29T08:01:28+00:00July 24th, 2023|


Syrinx, Sa Llavor Musical Academy, was born with the desire to develop music learning by enjoying and understanding the art of music as a fundamental part of the human essence, necessary for evolution and growth. Syrinx, Sa Llavor Musical Academy, offers quality musical education adapted to the abilities and needs of each individual to awaken musical sensitivity and accompany development as a person. It was born in Sa Llavor from the Integrated Music School and offers individual and collective activities in extracurricular hours for all ages. Offers: - Bass - Clarinet - Double bass - Recorder - Transverse flute - Guitar - Piano - Saxophone - Trumpet - Viola - Viola da gamba - Fiddle - Cello - Gamelan Orchestra Instruments - Musical language specialized by instruments - Harmony - Orchestra - Singing and chorus - Luthiery and creation of instruments We start in October 2023. More information and registration opening in September 2023.  

2023-07-30T11:04:05+00:00July 18th, 2023|


Postgraduate 2023-24. Approved by the Conselleria d'Educació de les Illes Balears as Permanent Teacher Training. Aimed at professionals in Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary Education, Educators, Artists, Researchers and anyone interested in Education as an instrument of personal and social growth and transformation.     1. Social Eurythmy: Management and coordination of human teams through dynamics of movement. 83 hours // Three modules // December 2023, April and July 2024   Develop and practice the social skills necessary to manage and coordinate human teams. Experience dynamic eurythmic movement exercises suitable for social and educational contexts. Promotes responsibility, trust and teamwork through social dynamics. It delves into the qualities and needs of the individual and social spheres for the coordination and leadership of teams. Learn about the social organism that is born when a group of people work together for a common goal. The Social Eurythmy Program develops the ability to nurture work with social organizations (teams, school groups, companies or any other social organization), in which attention to individual people goes hand in hand with attention to the social organism they form .   Program here> More information: Registration here>   "POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME  EURYTHMY IN SOCIAL AND WORKING LIFE" here>       2. Postgraduate in Holistic Pedagogy: Interrelated, practical, participatory, artistic and social methodology. 50 hours // October 27th, 2023 to June 8, 2024   Promotes educational innovation through Holistic Pedagogy. It generates learning processes that facilitate learning to do, learning to be, learning to think and learning to live together. Experience various artistic languages ​​and their application in educational practice as instruments for development and learning. It activates creative abilities and one's own pedagogical intuition. Develop teamwork, collaboration and learning communities.   Program here> More information: Registration here>     3. Social Art and Collective Creation for the development of the Educational Learning Community. 50 hours // October 27th, 2023 to June 8, 2024   Promotes the development of educational communities of learning through art. Develop the social issue through collective actions. Promotes social exchange and strengthens links in the educational community through artistic processes. Experience various artistic languages ​​and their application in educational practice as instruments of individual and social development in the educational community. Activate your own creative abilities, intuition, imagination and inspiration.   Program here> More information: Registration here>

2023-09-17T02:43:40+00:00July 7th, 2023|
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