“Through a deepening of social life a new understanding of the human being must be found that will permeate human and social development for Evolution” Rudolf Steiner   Fundació Sa Llavor offers a DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMME : "EURYTHMY IN SOCIAL AND WORKING LIFE"   A post-graduate training for eurythmists and a development program for whoever is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skill in 3 modules throughout 2023-24: December 2023, April and July 2024, with Teresa Mazzei as Social Eurythmy guide.   In cooperation with the Goetheanum, Section for the Performing Arts, Dornach, Switzerland.   Recognized by the Institute for Eurythmy in Working Life, Den Haag, The Netherlands.   Official Public Certification by The Ministry of Education of the Balearic Islands.   A Postgraduate Programme that nurtures and develops the knowledge, sensibility and capacity necessary to work through Eurythmy in social and working context for individual and social organism development. "A COMMON AIM AND TWO PURPOSES THROUGH A SHARED PATH"   EURYTMIST: Postgraduate Programme for qualified eurytmists to work through Eurythmy in social and working contexts and Eurythmy students in their last year of training. EVERYONE: Official Training Programme for enterpreneurs, managers, employees, teachers, artists, or any person who is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skills and learning about social organisms with a living approach. A COMMON AIM     Developing knowledge and skills for sensing the social organisms we are involved in, in order to consciously act on it, each one with one’s own role and competences. By social organism we refer to all companies or associations, or other organised context such as teams, colleges, study groups, and so on, in which several people come together, within organisations of varied complexity, to achieve something that otherwise would not be possible to get off the ground. "INSPIRING A HEALTHY LIFE FOR THE SOCIAL ORGANISM"     GOALS Everyone: Develop and practise our own social consciousness and skills. Experience in practice the relationship between individual and social impulses. Look at the organisation we are involved for social or working reason, as a living organism: its elements, its phases, its living processes and so on. Deepen and enrich intellectual knowledge on individual/social/organisational changing and development theories throughout practical experience (becoming operating forces). Discover the bridges which connect individual with the social organism. Move from intellectual knowing to perceiving and to acting, consciously. Develop self-confidence and creative capacity. For eurythmists specifically: Experience eurythmic exercises suitable for social and working contexts. Deepen the application of fundamental elements of Eurythmy in the social and working fields Transform and create Eurythmy’s exercises for different contexts and different stages of the social organism. Explore the connection of working with Eurythmy with some theories and approaches for social/organisational development paths. Develop own process of conducting Eurythmy sessions in the social and working fields.         IDEAL BEHIND THE PROGRAMME Social organisms live and develop in constant movement.  They acquire the ability to learn and evolve thanks to the people that they interact with, and they

2024-04-23T10:49:55+00:00July 28th, 2023|


  "Nature must become an art and art a second Nature"  Novalis Let us imagine a great snow-clad plain spread out before us and upon it here and there rivers and lakes hard frozen. The neighbouring sea is mostly frozen over close to shore; further out huge floes are drifting; occasional stunted trees and bushes lift heads heavy with snow and icicles. It is evening. The sun has already set, leaving behind the golden splendour of its afterglow. Before our eyes are two female figures and out of the afterglow is born — we might say is sent forth — a messenger from the higher worlds, who stands before the women and listens with close attention to what they are telling of their inmost feelings and experiences. One of the two standing there hugs her arms tightly to her body, cowers together, and exclaims: “I am freezing cold.” The eyes of the other woman wander over the snow-clad plain, out to the frozen waters and over the trees thick with hanging icicles, and from her lips burst forth the words “how glorious this whole landscape is.” She is utterly heedless of her own feelings, utterly oblivious to her physical suffering from the cold. We feel warmth streaming into her heart, for she has no attention to spare for her physical bodily discomfort, being inwardly overwhelmed by the wonderful beauty of this chill and frozen scene. Then the sun sinks further and further, the color fades out of the afterglow and the two friends fall into a deep slumber. One of them, the one who had been so acutely conscious of the cold in her bodily self, sinks into a sleep which might easily become fatal; the other sinks into a sleep in which we can recognise the influence of the emotion expressed in the words “How glorious,” which continues to warm her limbs and keep them full of life throughout her slumber. And she hears the youth who, born out of the glory of the afterglow, says to her these words, “Thou art Art”; and then she falls asleep. With her she took into her slumbers all the results of the impressions made upon her by the landscape which has been described; and a sort of dream mingled with her sleep. And yet it was not a dream, but in a certain way a reality, although of a unique kind akin to dreaming in its form. It was the manifestation of a reality which this woman's soul had barely been able to conceive before. For the experience that befell her was not a dream; it merely resembled one. That which she experienced may be described as “astral imagination.” And if we are to describe her visions we cannot do it otherwise than by setting forth in words the picture by means of which “imaginative” perception speaks. For the soul of this woman became aware at that moment what the event signalised. By the words of the youth, “Thou

2023-05-22T10:04:32+00:00November 4th, 2022|


"Nature is a medecine" Aránzazu Plaza is a counselor and therapist specialized in learning, integration and behavior difficulties, trained in INPP to address Neuromotor Immaturity, formed in Waldorf Pedagogy, Waldorf Support Pedagogy and Waldorf Emergency and Trauma Pedagogy, formed in Pedagogy Pickler, University Specialist in Systemic Family Therapy, Social Educator, Anthropologist, trained in humanist therapies, Enneagram and Gestalt, trainer of trainers, she is currently part of the teaching team of the Waldorf Support Pedagogy training in Spain and the Madre de Día training team of the Waldorf house in Alicante, and is also a pedagogical advisor for several schools linked to the Waldorf pedagogy. This course has begun its collaboration with the Fundació Sa Llavor. Question: When did your interest in pedagogy start? Aránzazu: Since I went to school. I loved attending classes. In summer I was one of those who wanted to go back to school. Did you receive a Waldorf education? No. I studied EGB in the 70s and the curriculum was quite nice with childhood. In the sense that we did many things with our hands: we wove, we built electronic circuits, we drew, we painted and in the playground we played with dirt, sticks, stones, water, mud ... Now most of the playgrounds or parks are covered in cement. And your social vein? When did it arise? In sixth grade I moved to a religious school. There I decided that I wanted to be a missionary. Either I played to teach or I played to help someone. What were your favourite subjects? Mathematics and philosophy. I was determined to be a teacher of one of that two subjects. Then, in COU, I went to see a school counselor, who actually disoriented me. How are you going to get to teach with your qualifications? You are going to be an engineer. But I didn't want to be an engineer, I wanted to teach. You had a strong vocation... Yes, but he told me, if you study engineering you can teach math, physics, drawing ... So I got into telecommunications engineering. But then I went through the eighteen-years old crisis... And what happened? I always volunteered, and at that time I was volunteering teaching how to read and to write to gypsy men who wanted to get a driving license... I loved it. So I left engineering and began to study social work, but always with a vocation in education. How did you discover Waldorf pedagogy? One day a friend told me: you have to train in Waldorf pedagogy, because you are already a Waldorf pedagogue and you don't know it. And that is what I did. I studied Waldorf pedagogy for teachers. The classroom experience was fine but I really wanted to make accessible Waldorf pedagogy to girls and boys with difficulties. Then I did the Waldorf Support Training and there I found myself as a fish in water. And you discovered the INPP (Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology) ... One of my Waldorf support pedagogy teachers was

2019-12-16T14:44:47+00:00December 13th, 2019|


En la metodología Sa Llavor el maestro se convierte en mediador del aprendizaje. Facilita que las niñas y los niños experimenten, adquieran y transmitan por sí mismos el conocimiento, y de esta forma desarrollen la confianza en sus posibilidades, capacidad creativa e iniciativa personal.

2017-06-14T08:40:07+00:00October 4th, 2016|


• Respeto a la individualidad, desarrollo de la personalidad íntegra, dinámica y flexible y de las capacidades vitales, emocionales, intelectuales, sociales y espirituales. Todo individuo tiene derecho a mantener su identidad étnica, lingüística y religiosa, la cual debe reconocerse y protegerse • Conciliación, reforma e igualdad social, educación para la libertad y espontaneidad. Fomento de la autonomía y participación • Educación para la paz y la no violencia, aprender a convivir con valores como la tolerancia, el respeto y la empatía • Conciencia ecológica que alimenta el amor hacia la naturaleza a través del contacto con la misma • Educación para la sensibilidad artística, desarrollo del espíritu creativo, estímulo y acceso a todas las artes • Solidaridad, servicio a los demás y sentimiento de pertenencia a la comunidad mediante la Educación ética y estética • Conciencia cívica, desarrollo de las cualidades humanas, educación popular • Conciencia crítica que mueva a la acción, a la libertad de ideas y de actos, educación política positiva • Aprendizajes apreciativos relacionados con la afectividad y los sentimientos • Desarrollo de los valores de bondad, belleza y verdad

2017-06-14T08:40:08+00:00October 4th, 2016|


“La educación, la palabra latina educare, significa extraer, sacar, lo que está dentro del ser humano, como cuando tienes una semilla, y de esa semilla sale un árbol. La semilla contiene el árbol. Sólo necesitas tener las condiciones apropiadas para que la semilla se convierta en un árbol. De la misma manera, todo cerebro humano, toda alma humana, es la semilla”. Satish Kumar.

2016-09-28T10:01:47+00:00September 28th, 2016|


El próximo 27 y 28 de mayo, dentro del programa de formación en Pedagogía Sa Llavor, Marta Ocampo, investigadora pionera en la práctica del pensamiento y la pedagogía sistémica, nos plantea la importancia de crear Comunidades Educativas que integren a las familias dentro del contexto educativo, de manera que la tarea como docentes pueda llegar a buen puerto. Las familias son los mejores aliados con los que podemos contar para esta tarea. La pedagogía sistémica además aborda los contenidos curriculares a partir de las interacciones y vínculos, conectando las diferentes áreas de conocimiento dentro del proceso de aprendizaje.

2016-06-12T09:27:57+00:00June 12th, 2016|


Sa Llavor considera a la naturaleza fuente de sabiduría e inspiración, el gran libro donde leer los secretos del conocimiento. Por eso, damos especial importancia a las actividades que realizamos diariamente en el bosque, el huerto y las excursiones a entornos naturales, favoreciendo un desarrollo integral y fomentando una mirada de reverencia y respeto al mundo natural como parte fundamental de la educación holística.

2016-06-09T21:18:20+00:00June 9th, 2016|


Desde el 21 al 28 de mayo, hemos recibido en la Escuela a un grupo de alumnas y alumnos de Educación Secundaria de Drumduam School, Escocia, acompañados por dos maestros. Con esta visita comienza a materializarse el intercambio entre alumnos de Educación Secundaria de Sa Llavor y otras escuelas internacionales de educación holística. Durante estos días nuestros huéspedes de Escocia han participado en las actividades y dinámica escolar,  desde la clase por períodos hasta los talleres o el teatro. Ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora para ellos y para toda la Escuela. El curso que viene el grupo de 3º y 4º de ESO devolverá la visita a la húmeda Forres.

2016-06-09T18:40:55+00:00June 9th, 2016|


La Fundació Sa Llavor desarrolla programas de asesoramiento, consultoría y formación en Pedagogía Sa Llavor a centros y equipos docentes. Actualmente estamos asesorando a la Escuela Pública Ses Marjades de Sóller y el Centro Crea_t de Palma. Compartimos los principios educativos, metodología y didáctica de Sa Llavor para fomentar una educación integral en conexión con la naturaleza y a través del arte.

2016-07-21T10:25:49+00:00June 6th, 2016|
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