“Through a deepening of social life a new understanding of the human being must be found that will permeate human and social development for Evolution” Rudolf Steiner   Fundació Sa Llavor offers a DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMME : "EURYTHMY IN SOCIAL AND WORKING LIFE"   A post-graduate training for eurythmists and a development program for whoever is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skill in 3 modules throughout 2023-24: December 2023, April and July 2024, with Teresa Mazzei as Social Eurythmy guide.   In cooperation with the Goetheanum, Section for the Performing Arts, Dornach, Switzerland.   Recognized by the Institute for Eurythmy in Working Life, Den Haag, The Netherlands.   Official Public Certification by The Ministry of Education of the Balearic Islands.   A Postgraduate Programme that nurtures and develops the knowledge, sensibility and capacity necessary to work through Eurythmy in social and working context for individual and social organism development. "A COMMON AIM AND TWO PURPOSES THROUGH A SHARED PATH"   EURYTMIST: Postgraduate Programme for qualified eurytmists to work through Eurythmy in social and working contexts and Eurythmy students in their last year of training. EVERYONE: Official Training Programme for enterpreneurs, managers, employees, teachers, artists, or any person who is interested in developing personal, social and organisational skills and learning about social organisms with a living approach. A COMMON AIM     Developing knowledge and skills for sensing the social organisms we are involved in, in order to consciously act on it, each one with one’s own role and competences. By social organism we refer to all companies or associations, or other organised context such as teams, colleges, study groups, and so on, in which several people come together, within organisations of varied complexity, to achieve something that otherwise would not be possible to get off the ground. "INSPIRING A HEALTHY LIFE FOR THE SOCIAL ORGANISM"     GOALS Everyone: Develop and practise our own social consciousness and skills. Experience in practice the relationship between individual and social impulses. Look at the organisation we are involved for social or working reason, as a living organism: its elements, its phases, its living processes and so on. Deepen and enrich intellectual knowledge on individual/social/organisational changing and development theories throughout practical experience (becoming operating forces). Discover the bridges which connect individual with the social organism. Move from intellectual knowing to perceiving and to acting, consciously. Develop self-confidence and creative capacity. For eurythmists specifically: Experience eurythmic exercises suitable for social and working contexts. Deepen the application of fundamental elements of Eurythmy in the social and working fields Transform and create Eurythmy’s exercises for different contexts and different stages of the social organism. Explore the connection of working with Eurythmy with some theories and approaches for social/organisational development paths. Develop own process of conducting Eurythmy sessions in the social and working fields.         IDEAL BEHIND THE PROGRAMME Social organisms live and develop in constant movement.  They acquire the ability to learn and evolve thanks to the people that they interact with, and they

2024-04-23T10:49:55+00:00July 28th, 2023|


"And you give a name to everything and the word is born as a creative source"     On April 21st and 22nd, we continue our journey through the 7 Arts and arrive at the fifth meeting of “The path of human being through the Arts” with Severino Airoldi as a guest who will guide an Artistic Workshop for the Speech Art and Theater Community. Through the artistic word we explore fields as vital as: the voice · the breath · the listening · the spoken sound. Creativity, vitality and joy accompany us in speaking exercises and recitation of poems, where we look for the relationship between voice and the gesture. We discovered vowels and consonants as an inspirational source. The theatrical improvisation, the creation of scenes and characters leads us to lose our inhibitions, live in the present and trust one's own creativity through a relaxed and familiar atmosphere. "Any game in which the person has to transform and play a role, is beneficial for the soul, it takes it out of its accustomed routine and reinforces its freedom and adaptability" Georg Kuhlewind   Severino Airoldi He was born in Switzerland. He studied Word Art and Theater in Stuttgart, Germany. Teacher, reciter and declaimer. He has taught German and theater at the Escuela Libre Micael in Madrid. He was part of the Trova de Cuentos and Euritmia Ensemble. He has worked in the art of the word and theater in sociotherapy. He was part of the "L'Arsenale" Theater School in Milan, Italy and has directed the "Christmas Cars" project at the Micael Free School. Since 2001, he has taught theater and speech training courses at different institutions in Spain.   More information: Registration aquí>  

2023-04-03T11:01:02+00:00March 30th, 2023|


Music is an essential element for achieving a healthy development in the evolutionary process of growth and learning. The sound of music awakens balanced and harmonic thought, connects with sensitivity, encourages the will and facilitates the social quality of listening. Music and singing situate the performer on the fine line between the intangible and the sensitive, making them part of an authentic spiritual experience. “When human beings listen to music, they have a feeling of well-being because the tones harmonize with what they have experienced in the world of their spiritual home” Rudolf Steiner It is an essential art in our time to recover the connection with oneself, with others and with nature.

2023-02-23T10:34:03+00:00February 23rd, 2023|


Desperta una nova sensibilitat i descobreix els teus recursos. Desenvolupa una mirada integral en l’educació i viu un procès que facilita i activa les teves capacitats creatives i la teva pròpia intuició pedagògica.   

2017-06-14T08:40:08+00:00September 18th, 2016|


El próximo 27 y 28 de mayo, dentro del programa de formación en Pedagogía Sa Llavor, Marta Ocampo, investigadora pionera en la práctica del pensamiento y la pedagogía sistémica, nos plantea la importancia de crear Comunidades Educativas que integren a las familias dentro del contexto educativo, de manera que la tarea como docentes pueda llegar a buen puerto. Las familias son los mejores aliados con los que podemos contar para esta tarea. La pedagogía sistémica además aborda los contenidos curriculares a partir de las interacciones y vínculos, conectando las diferentes áreas de conocimiento dentro del proceso de aprendizaje.

2016-06-12T09:27:57+00:00June 12th, 2016|


Como informamos en anteriores newsletters, este trimestre hemos dedicado los procesos artísticos a la producción teatral de la historia de aventuras más antigua de Occidente. Hemos confeccionado el vestuario, el atrezzo, la escenografía, la música y el guión. Nos hemos embarcado en la gran nave de la belleza de los clásicos para presentaros La Odisea de Homero. Si así lo desean los dioses del Olimpo, el próximo viernes día 10 de junio a las 18:00 será el estreno en el Casal de Cultura de Mancor de la Vall. Del mismo modo que en el estreno de Ramayana en diciembre, habrá entradas a 3 euros para adultos y gratis para niños. Con esta aportación se contribuye a la producción y grabación de la obra, que luego se compartirá en la nueva web que estamos a punto de presentar.

2016-06-09T23:31:45+00:00June 9th, 2016|


Las niñas y los niños de 4º y 5º de primaria se están encargando de seleccionar y clasificar por categorías literarias los más de 300 libros que ha donado el Ayuntamiento de Mancor de la Vall para ampliar la biblioteca Sa Llavor, para el disfrute y aprendizaje de toda la comunidad. Es maravilloso observar la pasión que despierta la lectura a la hora de tomar la iniciativa en esta actividad y las pequeñas sorpresas que aguarda cada nueva caja que abrimos. Hemos disfrutado mucho con este servicio a la comunidad.

2016-07-21T10:24:04+00:00May 31st, 2016|
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