Each year the drama creation process begins with an immersion in the atmosphere and the images of the story, through narrations that offer the global vision. Starting from the general idea step by step we approach the particular, finally reaching the detail.

Dynamic, rhythmic and coordinated movement openings develop presence, listening, synchrony and group cohesion. The listened rounds foster collaboration and a common vision of the process.

Groups of girls and boys are formed who create, prepare and present the different scenes of the play to live the story and get to know the characters and the atmospheres that make it up.

Finally, the characters are distributed and a more detailed process begins that includes movement, gesture and word. The art of the word, eurythmy and musical creation fill the space of the performing arts. Participation in different workshops such as construction of scenery, script, props, posters, costumes, complete the process.

Collective creation is promoted, developing cooperation, responsibility and creativity for a group objective.

The final performance of the work provides the growth and inner experience shared with the community.