January falls the snow,

February cold winds blow,

In March peep out the early flowers,

And April comes with sunny showers.

In May the roses bloom so gay,

In June the farmer mows his hay,

In July brightly shines the sun,

In August harvest is begun.

September turns the green leaves brown,

October winds then shake them down,

November fills with bleak and smear,

December comes and ends the year.


During the grade two English block and using the theme of nature and time, the students covered topics such as seasons, days of the week, months of the year, weather, telling time, animal and plant observation and description. They sang poems and rhymes, wrote and read simple words and phrases and used their creativity to depict some months with 3 dimensional art work, including flowers and wind pictures.

This is a popular lesson block among second graders as it allows them the freedom to express what they observe in nature in a creative, fun and varied setting. Confidence building is key in language learning. Viewing topics the children can understand and enjoy allows them to investigate, experiment and participate in an stimulating and safe environment.