What is needed to study and know the nature of the human being?

A holistic vision is needed that includes geology, botany, zoology, geography, meteorology. A comprehensive vision is needed that can relate the systems of your body.

With the 1st year of ESO group for 3 weeks, we have begun to discover the particularities that the human organism has, and to do this we have first observed, drawn and described the qualities of the Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Kingdom. What similarities and differences do they have between yes and what is the essence that characterizes them? How are they interdependently related? What are the differences between the Animal Kingdom and the Human Being?

Through question and reflection, we have discovered that the human being contains the mineral kingdom in his physical body, especially in the bones and teeth, where crystalline structures appear. The growth, metabolic and reproduction processes are linked to the plant kingdom, since formative forces participate; and in the same way as the animal kingdom, the human being closes itself by creating an inner world and opens to the world through the sense organs, influenced by psychic forces.

The great difference between human beings and the rest of the kingdoms lies in their ability to think, which includes the freedom to create something new. And in the possibility of learning and developing infinite capabilities in the learning process.